description: 'Generate a theme.' help: 'The generate:theme command helps you generates a new theme.' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal theme generator' options: theme: 'The theme name' machine-name: 'The machine name (lowercase and underscore only)' theme-path: 'The path of the theme' description: 'Theme description' core: 'Core version' package: 'Theme package' composer: 'Add a composer.json file' base-theme: 'Base theme (i.e. classy, stable)' base-theme-regions: 'Add the default regions of the chosen base theme' global-library: 'Global styling library name' libraries: 'Libraries' regions: Regions breakpoints: Breakpoints questions: theme: 'Enter the new theme name' machine-name: 'Enter the theme machine name' theme-path: 'Enter the theme Path' description: 'Enter theme description' core: 'Enter Drupal Core version' package: 'Enter package name' dependencies: 'Would you like to add module dependencies?' invalid-theme: 'Invalid "%s" theme was selected' global-library: 'Enter the global styling library name' library-add: 'Do you want to add another library?' library-name: 'Enter library name' library-version: 'Enter library version' regions: 'Do you want to generate the theme regions?' region-name: 'Enter region name' region-machine-name: 'Enter region machine name' region-add: 'Do you want to add another region?' breakpoints: 'Do you want to generate the theme breakpoints?' breakpoint-name: 'Enter breakpoint name' breakpoint-label: 'Enter breakpoint label' breakpoint-media-query: 'Enter breakpoint media query' breakpoint-weight: 'Enter breakpoint weight' breakpoint-multipliers: 'Enter breakpoint multipliers' breakpoint-add: 'Do you want to add another breakpoint?' suggestions: my-awesome-theme: 'My Awesome theme' other: 'Other' warnings: module-unavailable: 'Warning The following modules are not available in your local environment "%s"' errors: directory-exists: 'The target directory "%s" is not empty.' examples: - description: 'Generate a theme without region and without breakpoint specifying the theme name, its machine name, the theme path, a description, the drupal core, the package name and the global library' execution: | drupal generate:theme \ --theme="AnotherTheme" \ --machine-name="anothertheme" \ --theme-path="themes/custom" \ --description="My Awesome theme" \ --core="8.x" \ --package="PackageName" \ --global-library="global-styling" \ --base-theme="false" - description: 'Generate a theme base on stable theme with two region defined and one breakpoint specifying the theme name, its machine name, the theme path, a description, the drupal core, the package name, a global library, its base, the regions and the breakpoint' execution: | drupal generate:theme \ --theme="MyTheme" \ --machine-name="mytheme" \ --theme-path="themes/custom" \ --description="My Awesome theme" \ --core="8.x" \ --package="MyThemePackage" \ --global-library="global-styling" \ --base-theme="stable" \ --regions='"region_name":"Content", "region_machine_name":"content"' \ --regions='"region_name":"Panel", "region_machine_name":"panel"' \ --breakpoints='"breakpoint_name":"narrow", "breakpoint_label":"narrow", "breakpoint_media_query":"all and (min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 850px)", "breakpoint_weight":"1", "breakpoint_multipliers":"1x"'