description: 'Generate a custom plugin view field.' help: 'The generate:plugin:views:field command helps you generate a new custom views field plugin.' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal Plugin View Field generator' options: module: 'The Module name.' fields: 'Fields definition (class name, title and description).' questions: module: 'Enter the module name' class: 'Enter the views plugin field class name' title: 'Enter the views plugin field title' description: 'Enter the views plugin field description' description_default: 'My awesome custom views field plugin.' field-add: 'Do you want to add another field?' messages: views-data-already-implemented: 'The hook views data was already implemented in module "%s". Please, merge the code manually' examples: - description: 'Generate a custom view field plugin specifying the module name, the class, a title and its description' execution: | drupal generate:plugin:views:field \ --module="modulename" \ --class="CustomViewsField" \ --title="Custom views field" \ --description="My awesome custom views field plugin."