description: 'Generate a plugin block' help: 'The generate:plugin:block command helps you generate a new Plugin block.' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal Plugin Block generator' options: module: 'The Module name.' class: 'Plugin class name' plugin-label: 'Plugin label' plugin-id: 'Plugin id' inputs: 'Create inputs in a form.' services: 'Load services from the container.' theme-region: 'Theme region to render Plugin Block' twigtemplate: 'Generate theme template' questions: module: 'Enter the module name' class: 'Enter the plugin class name' plugin-label: 'Enter the plugin label' plugin-id: 'Enter the plugin id' services: 'Enter your service' theme-region: 'Enter the theme region to render the Plugin Block.' type: 'Enter New field type' label: 'Input label' description: 'Description' default-value: 'Default value' weight: 'Weight for input item' twigtemplate: 'Do you want to generate a themeable template?' messages: inputs: "\nYou can add input fields to create special configurations in the block.\nThis is optional, press enter to continue" invalid-theme-region: 'Region "%s" is invalid' examples: - description: 'Generate a plugin block in the header region with an input field specifying the module name, the class, the label, its id, the region and the input' execution: | drupal generate:plugin:block \ --module="modulename" \ --class="DefaultBlock" \ --label="Default block" \ --plugin-id="default_block" \ --theme-region="header" \ --inputs='"name":"inputtext", "type":"text_format", "label":"InputText", "options":"", "description":"Just an input text", "maxlength":"", "size":"", "default_value":"", "weight":"0", "fieldset":""'