options: env: 'The Environment name' debug: 'Switches on debug mode' learning: 'Generate a verbose code output' generate-chain: 'Shows command options and arguments as yaml output to be used in chain command' generate-inline: 'Shows command options and arguments as inline command' generate-doc: 'Shows command options and arguments as markdown' root: 'Define the Drupal root to be used in command execution' uri: 'URI of the Drupal site to use (for multi-site environments or when running on an alternate port)' yes: 'Skip confirmation and proceed' target: 'Site name you want to interact with (for local or remote sites)' help: 'Display this help message' quiet: 'Suppress all output from the command' verbose: 'Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output, and 3 for debug' version: 'Display this application version' ansi: 'Force ANSI output' no-ansi: 'Disable ANSI output' no-interaction: 'Do not ask any interactive question' check-fix: 'Attempt to fix any missing configuration.' arguments: command: 'The command to execute' messages: completed: 'The command was executed successfully!' chain: generated: 'Yaml representation of this command, usage copy in i.e. `~/.console/chain/sample.yml` to execute using `chain` command, make sure your yaml file start with a `commands` root key:' inline: generated: 'Inline representation of this command:' generated: 'You can now start using the generated code!' files: generated: 'Generated or updated files' copied: 'Copied files' lines-code: 'Generated lines: %s' path: 'Generation path' learning: route: "In order to to create pages it is necessary to define routes for them.\nA route maps a URL path to a controller. It defines what function\nor method will be called when a URL is accessed.\nIf the user accesses http://drupal8.dev/{{ route.path }}, the routing\nsystem will look for a route with that path. In this case it will find a\nmatch, and execute the _controller callback. In this case the callback is\ndefined as a classname\n(\"\\Drupal\\{{ module }}\\Controller\\{{ class_name }}\")\nand a method (\"{{ route.method }}\")." autocomplete: | Bash: Bash support depends on the http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/ project which can be installed with your package manager of choice. Then add this line to your shell configuration file. source "$HOME/.console/console.rc" 2>/dev/null Bash or Zsh: Add this line to your shell configuration file: source "$HOME/.console/console.rc" 2>/dev/null Fish: Create a symbolic link mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/completions/ && ln -s ~/.console/drupal.fish ~/.config/fish/completions/drupal.fish version: '"%s" version "%s"' disable: command: error: 'Command: "%s" is deprecated.' extra: 'You must execute: "%s" instead' errors: invalid-command: 'Command "%s", is not a valid command name.' renamed-command: 'Command "%s" was renamed, use "%s" instead.' drush-command: 'Command "%s" is a Drush command (deprecated). Drupal Console equivalent "%s" was executed instead.' statistics-failed: | The Drupal console failed to send statistics. After 10 attempts, this feature was disabled. If you want to enable it again, use the following command: drupal settings:set statistics.enabled true statistics-url-failed: | The Drupal console failed to send statistics. You must configure it in the global config.yml, use the following command and choose your preference: drupal init site: messages: path: 'Site path' errors: settings: 'In order to list all of the available commands you should install drupal first.' directory: 'In order to list all of the available commands, you should run this against a drupal root directory.' not-installed: 'Drupal Console is not installed at: "%s"' execute-composer: 'You must execute the following composer commands:' missing-config-file: 'Missing configuration file, possible paths:' missing-config-file-command: 'Execute "drupal init" command to generate one' user: messages: path: 'User home path' remote: errors: passphrase-missing: 'Passphrase file is missing' passphrase-empty: 'Passphrase file is empty' private-missing: 'Private file is missing' private-empty: 'Private file is empty' private-invalid: 'Private file is invalid' invalid-root: 'Invalid root directory' console-not-found: 'Drupal Console not found on this site' gitbook: messages: title: 'Available Drupal Console Commands' note: 'Note' note-description: 'Drupal Console commands *must* be run from the root of a Drupal 8 installation' command: 'Drupal Console Command' command_description: 'The **"%s"** command "%s"' usage: 'Usage' options: 'Available options' option: 'Option' details: 'Details' arguments: 'Available arguments' argument: 'Argument' examples: 'Examples'