# Site Process A thin wrapper around the Symfony Process Component that allows applications to use the Site Alias library to specify the target for a remote call. 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For comparison purposes, the `Process` object may be created to run an application on the local system using the standard Symfony Process Component API like so: ``` $process = new Process(['ls', '-lsa']); ``` Similarly, a remote call can be done using the general-purpose `SiteProcess` API, which is accessible via the ProcessManager object: ``` $processManager = ProcessManager::createDefault(); $process = $processManager->siteProcess($site_alias, ['ls', '-lsa', '{root}']); ``` In this example, if `$site_alias` represents a site on the same system, then the `ls -lsa` command will run locally. If, on the other hand, it represents a remote site, then the `ls -lsa` command will be wrapped in an ssh call to the remote system. In either case, the `{root}` reference will be replaced with the value of the attribute of the site alias named `root`. An exception will be thrown if the named attribute does not exist. Options may also be specified as an associative array provided as a third parameter: ``` $process = $processManager->siteProcess($site_alias, ['git', 'status'], ['untracked-files' => 'no']); ``` This is equivalent to: ``` $process = $processManager->siteProcess($site_alias, ['git', '--untracked-files=no', 'status']); ``` ### Transports #### SSH Wraps a command so that it runs on a remote system via the ssh cli. Example: ```yaml local: host: localhost uri: http://localhost ssh: options: -o PasswordAuthentication=no -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa ``` ### Vagrant Wraps commands so they run with `vagrant ssh -c`. Example: ```yaml local: uri: http://localhost vagrant: ``` #### Docker Compose Wraps a command so that it runs on a remote system via docker-compose. Example: ```yaml local: host: localhost uri: http://localhost docker: service: drupal compose: options: --project dockerComposeProjectName --file docker-compose.yml --project-directory dockerComposeWorkDir exec: options: --user www-data ``` The above would execute commands prefixed with: ``` docker-compose --project dockerComposeProjectName --file docker-compose.yml --project-directory dockerComposeWorkDir exec --user www-data -T drupal ``` `docker.project` and `compose.options --project` do the same thing, docker.project existed before options. `docker.service` is the exact name of the service as it appears in docker-compos.yml Check the [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/overview/) manual for all available options. #### Local Runs the command on the local system. ## Symfony 4 The Symfony Process component has different typehints in the parameters of several APIs in Symfony 4 than Symfony 3 does. This is due to the fact that Symfony 4 requires PHP 7.1.3 or later, which supports a number of typehints not permitted in earlier PHP versions. This difference is minor for most clients, but presents problems for code that subclasses Process, as it is not possible to be compatible with both the Symofny 3 and the Symfony 4 typehints at the same time. In the future, Symfony 4 will be supported in this library on a separate branch. ## Running the tests The test suite may be run locally by way of some simple composer scripts: | Test | Command | ---------------- | --- | Run all tests | `composer test` | PHPUnit tests | `composer unit` | PHP linter | `composer lint` | Code style | `composer cs` | Fix style errors | `composer cbf` ## Deployment - Run `composer release` ## Contributing Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us. ## Versioning We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. For the versions available, see the [releases](https://github.com/consolidation/site-process/releases) page. ## Authors * [Greg Anderson](https://github.com/greg-1-anderson) * [Moshe Weitzman](http://weitzman.github.com) See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/consolidation/site-process/contributors) who participated in this project. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details ## Acknowledgments * Thanks to PurpleBooth for the [example README template](https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth/109311bb0361f32d87a2)