# Drupal Code Generator

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A command line code generator for Drupal.

## Installation

1. Download the latest [stable release](https://github.com/Chi-teck/drupal-code-generator/releases/latest) of the code generator.
2. Make the file executable.
3. Move it to a directory that is part of your `PATH`.

wget $(wget -qO- $release_url | awk -F'"' '/browser_download_url/ { print $4 }')
chmod +x dcg.phar
sudo mv dcg.phar /usr/local/bin/dcg
dcg --version
Installation using Composer is also supported.

## Upgrade
Simply repeat installation commands.

## Usage
# Display main menu.

# Display Drupal 8 submenu.
dcg d8

# Call generator directly.
dcg d8:plugin:field:widget

# Generate code non-interactively.
dcg twig-extension -a '{"name": "Example", "machine_name": "example", "class": "ExampleTwigExtension"}'
## Extending
All custom generators should be placed to _$HOME/.dcg/Command_ directory. The following command will help you to get started with creating own generators.
# Create custom DCG command.
dcg dcg-command -d $HOME/.dcg/Command
## License
GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.