#!/usr/bin/env php * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ // Please update when phpunit needs to be reinstalled with fresh deps: // Cache-Id: 2019-09-19 17:00 UTC error_reporting(-1); if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70200) { // PHPUnit 6 is required for PHP 7.2+ $PHPUNIT_VERSION = getenv('SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION') ?: '6.5'; } elseif (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600) { // PHPUnit 4 does not support PHP 7 $PHPUNIT_VERSION = getenv('SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION') ?: '5.7'; } else { // PHPUnit 5.1 requires PHP 5.6+ $PHPUNIT_VERSION = '4.8'; } $COMPOSER_JSON = getenv('COMPOSER') ?: 'composer.json'; $root = __DIR__; while (!file_exists($root.'/'.$COMPOSER_JSON) || file_exists($root.'/DeprecationErrorHandler.php')) { if ($root === dirname($root)) { break; } $root = dirname($root); } $oldPwd = getcwd(); $PHPUNIT_DIR = getenv('SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_DIR') ?: ($root.'/vendor/bin/.phpunit'); $PHP = defined('PHP_BINARY') ? PHP_BINARY : 'php'; $PHP = escapeshellarg($PHP); if ('phpdbg' === PHP_SAPI) { $PHP .= ' -qrr'; } $defaultEnvs = array( 'COMPOSER' => 'composer.json', 'COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR' => 'vendor', 'COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => 'bin', ); foreach ($defaultEnvs as $envName => $envValue) { if ($envValue !== getenv($envName)) { putenv("$envName=$envValue"); $_SERVER[$envName] = $_ENV[$envName] = $envValue; } } $COMPOSER = file_exists($COMPOSER = $oldPwd.'/composer.phar') || ($COMPOSER = rtrim('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? preg_replace('/[\r\n].*/', '', `where.exe composer.phar`) : `which composer.phar 2> /dev/null`)) || ($COMPOSER = rtrim('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? preg_replace('/[\r\n].*/', '', `where.exe composer`) : `which composer 2> /dev/null`)) ? $PHP.' '.escapeshellarg($COMPOSER) : 'composer'; if (false === $SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE = getenv('SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE')) { $SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE = 'phpspec/prophecy symfony/yaml'; } if (!file_exists("$PHPUNIT_DIR/phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION/phpunit") || md5_file(__FILE__)."\n".$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE !== @file_get_contents("$PHPUNIT_DIR/.$PHPUNIT_VERSION.md5")) { // Build a standalone phpunit without symfony/yaml nor prophecy by default @mkdir($PHPUNIT_DIR, 0777, true); chdir($PHPUNIT_DIR); if (file_exists("phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION")) { passthru(sprintf('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? 'rmdir /S /Q %s > NUL': 'rm -rf %s', "phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION.old")); rename("phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION", "phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION.old"); passthru(sprintf('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? 'rmdir /S /Q %s': 'rm -rf %s', "phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION.old")); } passthru("$COMPOSER create-project --no-install --prefer-dist --no-scripts --no-plugins --no-progress --ansi phpunit/phpunit phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION \"$PHPUNIT_VERSION.*\""); @copy("phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION/phpunit.xsd", 'phpunit.xsd'); chdir("phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION"); if ($SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE) { passthru("$COMPOSER remove --no-update ".$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE); } if (5.1 <= $PHPUNIT_VERSION && $PHPUNIT_VERSION < 5.4) { passthru("$COMPOSER require --no-update phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects \"~3.1.0\""); } passthru("$COMPOSER config --unset platform"); if (file_exists($path = $root.'/vendor/symfony/phpunit-bridge')) { passthru("$COMPOSER require --no-update symfony/phpunit-bridge \"*@dev\""); passthru("$COMPOSER config repositories.phpunit-bridge path ".escapeshellarg(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path))); if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { file_put_contents('composer.json', preg_replace('/^( {8})"phpunit-bridge": \{$/m', "$0\n$1 ".'"options": {"symlink": false},', file_get_contents('composer.json'))); } } else { passthru("$COMPOSER require --no-update symfony/phpunit-bridge \"*\""); } $prevRoot = getenv('COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION'); putenv("COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=$PHPUNIT_VERSION.99"); $q = '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? '"' : ''; // --no-suggest is not in the list to keep compat with composer 1.0, which is shipped with Ubuntu 16.04LTS $exit = proc_close(proc_open("$q$COMPOSER install --no-dev --prefer-dist --no-progress --ansi$q", array(), $p, getcwd())); putenv('COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION'.(false !== $prevRoot ? '='.$prevRoot : '')); if ($exit) { exit($exit); } file_put_contents('phpunit', <<<'EOPHP' setMaxDepth(getenv('SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_MAX_DEPTH') ?: 3); foreach ($finder as $file => $fileInfo) { if ('phpunit.xml.dist' === $file) { $components[] = dirname($fileInfo->getPathname()); } } if ($components) { array_shift($cmd); } } $cmd[0] = sprintf('%s %s --colors=always', $PHP, escapeshellarg("$PHPUNIT_DIR/phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION/phpunit")); $cmd = str_replace('%', '%%', implode(' ', $cmd)).' %1$s'; if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $cmd = 'cmd /v:on /d /c "('.$cmd.')%2$s"'; } else { $cmd .= '%2$s'; } if ($components) { $skippedTests = isset($_SERVER['SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_SKIPPED_TESTS']) ? $_SERVER['SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_SKIPPED_TESTS'] : false; $runningProcs = array(); foreach ($components as $component) { // Run phpunit tests in parallel if ($skippedTests) { putenv("SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_SKIPPED_TESTS=$component/$skippedTests"); } $c = escapeshellarg($component); if ($proc = proc_open(sprintf($cmd, $c, " > $c/phpunit.stdout 2> $c/phpunit.stderr"), array(), $pipes)) { $runningProcs[$component] = $proc; } else { $exit = 1; echo "\033[41mKO\033[0m $component\n\n"; } } while ($runningProcs) { usleep(300000); $terminatedProcs = array(); foreach ($runningProcs as $component => $proc) { $procStatus = proc_get_status($proc); if (!$procStatus['running']) { $terminatedProcs[$component] = $procStatus['exitcode']; unset($runningProcs[$component]); proc_close($proc); } } foreach ($terminatedProcs as $component => $procStatus) { foreach (array('out', 'err') as $file) { $file = "$component/phpunit.std$file"; readfile($file); unlink($file); } // Fail on any individual component failures but ignore some error codes on Windows when APCu is enabled: // STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN (-1073740791/0xC0000409) // STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (-1073741819/0xC0000005) // STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION (-1073740940/0xC0000374) if ($procStatus && ('\\' !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || !extension_loaded('apcu') || !filter_var(ini_get('apc.enable_cli'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) || !in_array($procStatus, array(-1073740791, -1073741819, -1073740940)))) { $exit = $procStatus; echo "\033[41mKO\033[0m $component\n\n"; } else { echo "\033[32mOK\033[0m $component\n\n"; } } } } elseif (!isset($argv[1]) || 'install' !== $argv[1] || file_exists('install')) { if (!class_exists('SymfonyBlacklistSimplePhpunit', false)) { class SymfonyBlacklistSimplePhpunit {} } array_splice($argv, 1, 0, array('--colors=always')); $_SERVER['argv'] = $argv; $_SERVER['argc'] = ++$argc; include "$PHPUNIT_DIR/phpunit-$PHPUNIT_VERSION/phpunit"; } exit($exit);