1.7.1 / 2016-03-05 ================== Bug fixes: * Refactored the CssSelector to use the new API of the Symfony CssSelector component to be compatible with Symfony 3 Testsuite: * Disallowed failures on PHP 7 on Travis (tests were passing since a long time) Driver testsuite: * Fixed the driver testsuite to account for driver inheritance when checking recommended practices * Added a test for cookie values with semicolon, to ensure all drivers support it * Improved the window resize test to consider headless browsers * Fixed the compatibility of the testsuite with PHPUnit 5 * Added a test ensuring that `wait()` always return a boolean even when the JS expression does not cast the value * Added HTML escaping of submitted values in the driver testsuite web-fixtures Misc: * Removed the Mink testsuite from archives generated by Github to make them smaller 1.7.0 / 2015-09-20 ================== New features: * Added `Session::getResponseHeader` to access a response header easily * Added support for header assertions * Added a forward compatibility layer for drivers to allow them to prepare for Mink 2.0 (they won't require any change if they use it). They should now overwrite `CoreDriver::findElementXpaths` instead of implementing `find` and `setSession` themselves. * Added escaping of the locator in the NamedSelector rather than expecting the caller to perform the escaping. Passing an escaped locator is still supported but deprecated. * Remove the dependency on the Session in expectation exceptions. Passing the session in the exception constructor is now deprecated. The driver should be passed instead. Bug fixes: * Fixed the URL assertions when comparing paths ending in ``.php`` * Silenced deprecation warnings (following the Symfony convention) to make them less invasive. Use the `symfony/phpunit-bridge` to get them reported when using Mink in your PHPUnit tests. * Fixed `NodeElement::hasClass` in case the class attribute contains newlines Testsuite: * Made the testsuite compatible with PHPUnit strict timing mode (only the library testsuite, not the driver one) * Added testing against PHP 7 * Added testing against lowest version of dependencies to ensure we got the lower bounds right Driver testsuite: * Added an extra test to ensure the right behavior when getting the HTML with empty elements * Added a few more safeguards to ensure test failures rather than fatal errors for misbehaving drivers * Added a test ensuring that drivers follow recommended practices Misc: * Added a few missing deprecation warnings for deprecated APIs or classes. 1.6.1 / 2015-02-04 ================== Bug fixes: * Added a check for empty path in `WebAssert::cleanUrl()` Driver testsuite: * Added an extra test to ensure the right behavior for traversal Misc: * Changed the description in the composer.json * Switched the repository structure to use PSR-4 * Updated URLs for the move to the new Github organization 1.6.0 / 2014-09-26 ================== * [BC break] Changed the named selector to prefer exact matches over partial matches * [BC break] Changed `NodeElement::getValue` for checkboxes to return the value rather than the checked state (use `isChecked` for that) * Fixed the XPath prefixing when searching inside an existing element * Refactored the driver testsuite entirely and expand it to cover drivers entirely (covering many more cases for consistency) * Changed `NodeElement::setValue` to support any fields rather than only input elements * Removed the wrapping of any driver-level exception in a MinkException on invalid usage as it was making the code too complex * Fixed the matching of the input type in the named selector to be case insensitive according to the HTML spec * Introduced `Behat\Mink\Selector\Xpath\Escaper` to allow reusing the XPath escaping * Deprecated `Element::getSession`. Code needing the session should get it from outside rather than the element * Changed ElementNotFoundException to extend from ExpectationException * Added `Element::getOuterHtml` to get the HTML code of the element including itself * Fixed the name selectors to match on the `placeholder` only for textual inputs * Enforced consistent behavior for drivers on 4xx and 5xx response to return the response rather than throwing an exception * Added `Element::waitFor` to allow retrying some code until it succeeds or the timeout is reached * Added `Element::isValid` to check whether an element still exists in the page * Made `Session::executeScript` compatible across drivers by ensuring they all support the same syntaxes for the JS expression * Made `Session::evaluateScript` compatible across drivers by ensuring they all support the same syntaxes for the JS expression * Removed `hasClass` from `DocumentElement` (instead of triggering a fatal error) * Added testing on HHVM to ensure consistency * Fixed `NodeElement::getTagName` to ensure that the tag name is lowercase for all drivers * Fixed `Element::hasAttribute` to ensure it supports attributes with an empty value * Fixed the `field` selector to avoid matching inputs with the type `submit` or `reset` * Changed the button XPath selection to accept `reset` buttons as well * Changed `Session::wait` to return the condition value rather than nothing * Added `Session::getWindowName` and `Session::getWindowNames` to get the name of the current and of all windows * Added `Session::maximizeWindow` to maximize the window * Added `NodeElement::isSelected` to check whether an `